Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Getting the obese to move

Obesity is still an overlooked epidemic by contrast. The alarm raised for its increasing toll is weak compared to the urgency of treating cancers, tuberculosis, and malaria. And yet, it is one of the most damning diseases in modern times, linking every obese individual to a whole slew of common coronary diseases.

Image source: myhousecallmd.com

The upside is that obesity is a medical condition that allows for treatment time. And the treatments are not necessarily expensive, unless Type 2 diabetes is on the horizon. In time, it had become a matter of efficient public health administration to combat the epidemic of obesity through pragmatic solutions.

Image source: newsatjama.jama.com

No anti-obesity treatment could be more recommended than exercise. In the UK, London-based thinktank Localis proposed making sports compulsory for obese individuals. And like any social benefit, it’s attached to a system of incentives and demerit. Those who submit to the program are given subsidies and monitored through report cards, while those who play hooky on the program could find some of their benefits slashed.

Image source: shockmd.com

It is important to note that an efficient monitoring system is a pre-requisite for significant impact. In the US, where healthcare benefits and insurance are mostly privatized, there is at least a system of supervising patients through online portals serviced by providers like TSI Healthcare. Overseeing lifestyle progress among obese individuals requires tricky archiving, even by the standards of developed countries with sophisticated information systems.

Obesity is one of those stubborn malaises, requiring a complete overthrow of unhealthy habits. Even the state and partner enterprises would be put through good exercise getting the fat exercising.

TSI Healthcare also implements Electronic Health Records for better doctor-patient communication. See the work it has done so far at www.tsihealthcare.com.