Monday, February 27, 2012

ICD-10: Back to the Basics

This year, I’d venture to say most providers had a happy Valentine’s Day for one reason or another. On February 14, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the plan to delay the projected ICD-10 compliance date of October 2013. Providers across the US released a sigh of relief! Sebelius stood by the claim that ICD-10 will improve patient care and enable health care data exchange with the rest of the world—who has already been using ICD-10 for some time.

So what is ICD-10?  
  • International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition diagnosis and procedure codes
  • ICD-10 completed in 1992
  • More than 155,000 codes
  • About 25 countries currently use ICD-10
  • The length of codes in ICD-10 being a maximum of 7 characters, as opposed to 5 digits in ICD-9

Why transition to ICD-10?
ICD-10 contains increased specificity which will lead to:
  • More accurate and timely reimbursements once the system is fully implemented
  • Increased measurability of quality, safety, and efficacy of care
  • Setting informed health policy
  • Monitoring resource utilization
  • Improving disease and care management

What do we need to know about ICD-10?
Although eventually we will need to know basically everything about ICD-10, the following is a high-level look at the new coding system:
  • Contains over 155,000 codes
  • Maximum code length increased to 7 characters with dummy place holders to allow room for expansion
  • Requires crosswalk mapping between ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes and vice versa because the systems are not related in a one-to-one relationship. CMS has released General Equivalence Mappings and Reimbursement Maps to help with this process.
  • Departments will need to run both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes concurrently during transition period until all claims are resolved
  • All systems will be affected!

Although the implementation date has been delayed, the eventual transition to ICD-10 is inevitable. In addition, other government regulations will be continuing to grow more rigorous—stage 2 of EHR Meaningful Use is already out! To reduce the loss of productivity, begin working on the transition now. Start with assessing the areas in your practice which will be affected by the change. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Does Social Media Have a Place in Healthcare?

Chris Foster, principal at Booz Allen Hamilton consulting firm, recently provided insight about how social media is changing the traditional doctor/patient relationship. His three ways include: patient empowerment, real-time information and instantaneous feedback, and improved doctor/patient relationships1. As TSI Healthcare also explores the benefits of social media, let’s explore how social media empowers patients and providers and real-time information with instantaneous feedback improves doctor/patient relationship.

Patients are entering their doctors’ offices armed with more information and ready to advocate for their health needs. This information is coming from health forums like WebMD, twitter, peer discussions, and the use of powerful search engines. Websites similar to the college staple allow patients to essentially “ratemydoc” and compare experiences and options available to them. The massive amount of information allows patients to possess more control over their healthcare experience.

Real-time information with immediate feedback particularly panders to the millennial generation who tends to seek constant connection. Other generations can also take advantage of this increased communication. Elders struggling with chronic diseases can post daily self-test measures to be monitored by a physician or nurse with feedback for that day. Patient portals are particularly useful for physician offices attempting to increase their doctor/patient relationship. For example, TSI Healthcare’s Patient Portal allows patients to “ask a nurse” or “ask a billing specialist” when questions arise about prescription doses or paying their bills. In addition, millennials can take advantage of online scheduling and prescription refill requests.

The road has already been forged for you to use social media to benefit your practice. Create a free Facebook or Twitter page to keep patients up to date on events, recalls, and other important information. Or check out TSI Healthcare's twitter and facebook pages to get an idea of what you can do with such pages. If you want to take it further, use a patient portal to increase communication between the doctor and their patient creating both an empowered patient and the option for real-time information and feedback.

End Notes
1.       1. Foster, Chris. "3 ways social media is transforming the doctor-patient relationship." Government Health IT. MedTech Media, 2012. Web. 19 Jan 2012. <>.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tips for a Successful Meaningful Use Attestation 

YUMA District Hospital and Clinic has successfully attested for Meaningful Use; Congratulations YUMA! To share a different perspective, TSI Healthcare asked Jason at YUMA for some tips for MU success. We also asked Jason his thoughts about having TSI Healthcare as a partner in MU. Here is what he said:

Tips for other clients:
1.       Make sure that you have the full support of your Executive Leadership. From an Administrator to CEO/CFO/VP’s etc.

2.       Meaningful Use means change. Change in workflow and thought processes. Change is hard. Be compassionate to those that cannot handle change. Embrace and utilize those that thrive on it.

3.       Elect a physician champion. Usually someone that embraces change and will be the driving force to encourage other physicians. Usually the younger physicians find they cannot live without technology. Use them…

4.       Meet often. Create a Meaningful Use Task Force or Committee. Meet weekly to review current report levels and identify areas of improvement. Make the meetings brief and assign action items for members to follow up on.

5.       Give the committee structure. Elect a project manager and make sure to have someone take notes. Make sure each person realizes their role.

6.       Celebrate accomplishments. Go out to lunch or throw a party. This process is grueling, frustrating at times, but rewarding when you are helping transition health care into what it needs to be.

7.       Most of all, keep your family close. This process can take you away from those you love. When that happens, celebrate with them also…

TSI Healthcare as a partner:
                "TSI Healthcare has been a HUGE asset and leader in Health Care Reform for Yuma. Through numerous meetings, trainings, support sessions, webinars, phone calls, upgrades and implementations, etc. TSI has been there every step of the way. They have been the constant in this process. From day one, I felt reassured that everyone had our back. If we ever had a question, they were there. If we ever had an issue, they were there. Reliable is a good word to describe everyone at TSI. With reliability comes respect. With respect comes integrity. TSI embodies all of these. From the Front Desk to the President’s office, everyone at TSI has played a role in us reaching Meaningful Use. We could not of achieved this without their support and dedication to our success. Special thanks to Christian, Amanda, Jeff, Natalie, Jason, Donnie, David for all your support and everything you have done for Yuma District Hospital and Clinics. Here’s to many more years of valued support…"

Thank you for the tips and encouraging words YUMA! Congrats and keep up the good work!

Friday, February 10, 2012

How to Increase Patient Portal Registration

After touting the merits of patient portal, it’s only fair to share some tips about how to increase registration and utilization of your patient portal. TSI Healthcare has noted portals take a few months to really get up and running as patients need time to make an office visit and then register online. Patient portal is worth the investment as it better links providers with their patients. We’ve gathered tips and tricks from our clients who’ve already successfully introduced NextGen Patient Portal to their patients!

Here are some of TSI Healthcare’s tips to increase utilization:

1. Place brochures at check-in, check-out, and in the waiting room advertising the perks of patient portal—such as a faster way to get lab results or refill prescriptions!

2. Use appointment reminder cards with information about patient portal and, if applicable, the online scheduling feature.

3. When patients call in to refill an Rx, remind them of their ability to refill their Rx at their own convenience online.

4. Place a computer in the waiting room so patients can use their wait time to register with the support of office staff or even complete new patient paperwork.

Here are some of TSI Healthcare’s tips on how to leverage patient portal to benefit your practice:

1.    Email patients applicable awareness information. For example, use your patient portal to email all female patients over 40 years some Breast Cancer awareness information or a reminder to make a mammogram appointment during February, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This website features a comprehensive list of health observances:

2. Encourage patients with chronic diseases to track important self-test measures such as glucose levels to be routinely monitored by a health professional in between office visits.

3. Email patients pertinent practice information like closings and holiday hours.

The key to utilizing patient portal is getting your patients online and interacting with their portal. Having an office staff—including physicians and nurses—talking about the key features of your patient portal will help increase your patients’ interest in their patient portal.  TSI Healthcare is dedicated to your adoption success! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Look at Patient Portal Demand

Over the past year TSI Healthcare has seen increased interest from practices for information about how to transition their practice into the 21st century. With online banking, shopping, and restaurant reservations available these days, physician practices want and need to catch up! Here’s some information on Patient Portals and be sure to check out TSI Healthcare’s Patient Portal offering.

Patient Portal is an online tool allowing patients to access their health information and communicate with their provider, ultimately creating a more educated health consumer. Typically, a patient portal is an add-on to your current EHR system, but some wonder if it is worth the investment. 

Studies demonstrate patients’ desire to utilize a patient portal. Recently, 72% of consumers polled reported that they would use patient portal or another tool to assist them in paying bills and communicating with providers. It’s not just young adults seeking these services either: 67% of the baby boomer generation (born 1946-1964) and 75% of Generation X (born 1965-1976) shared this sentiment

Practices utilizing patient portal should continue to promote its benefits and encourage patients to login to patient portal. Studies demonstrate that phone volume into the office decreases and the calls that do come into the office are completed quicker, consequently cutting down administrative costs

As patients become educated healthcare consumers, practices without a patient portal could begin to see a decline in their patient load. A recent study identified that 59% of Generation Y respondents (born mid-1970-2000) would switch doctors for one with better online access

TSI Healthcare recognizes the impact of patient portals by offering its clients NextGen’s Patient Portal. Patient Portal clearly increases the quality of care by engaging both patients and providers.