Wednesday, December 19, 2012

Pediatricians to EHR developers: Support child health care

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A new study by Weill Cornell Medical College provides evidence that the use of EHR systems in medical practices does indeed contribute to the improvement of the quality of patient care, particularly in communities that use commercially available systems such as those offered by companies like Acrendo Software, American Medical Software, and TSI Healthcare.

However, for all the benefits that it has brought to healthcare providers, it seems that practices specializing in pediatric healthcare do not fully benefit from the modernization of health records due to certain limitations of the systems currently available.

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In a previous study conducted in 2009 and before the meaningful use incentive program began, only 3% of the respondents at the time used a system that can be described as fully functional and pediatric-supportive. Meanwhile, recent studies by the marketing research firm SK&A show that EHR adoption among pediatricians is at 48.5% and at 61.7% in internal medicine and pediatrics.

Pediatricians complain that of the five basic functions that they need in a fully functional EHR –tracking of well-child visits, support of growth chart analysis, immunization tracking, immunization forecasting, and weight-based drug dosing – the requirement for growth charts support is the only one that can be found in the meaningful use requirements.

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There are EHR systems providers which offer customized implementation solutions that support pediatric practices even while it is not required in the meaningful use incentive. However, pediatricians stress the importance of child-specific functions that EHRs should have to address child health needs and are calling for modifications in the incentive program to include criteria that meet the needs of physicians who treat children.

Read more about EHR systems currently available at

Wednesday, November 28, 2012

American Medical News: U.S. primary care doctors making sizeable strides on health IT

Health-related IT solutions are gaining ground as more and more institutions are utilizing them for use in mainstream operations.  As this article proves, U.S. physicians are gradually converting to IT-based tools and solutions.

U.S. adoption rates still lag behind those in several nations, however, and physicians in 10 surveyed countries report continued frustrations over access and coordination problems.

Primary care physicians in the United States and other countries are making inroads on health information technology use but continue to experience access-to-care barriers and breakdowns in coordination issues with other health care professionals, the Commonwealth Fund reported in a survey published online Nov. 15 in Health Affairs.
The survey polled nearly 8,500 primary care physicians in the U.S., Australia, Canada, France, Germany, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Switzerland and the United Kingdom to gauge their health care experiences in the wake of new reforms taking effect in their countries. In tracking the technology investments, the survey found that doctors were making progress on health IT capacity, especially in the U.S.
A substantial increase was reported in the use and multifunctional capacity of health IT tools among U.S. primary care doctors over the past three years. For 2012, nearly 70% reported that they were using electronic health records, compared with 46% in 2009. “Although the United States and Canada still lag behind countries with near-universal adoption, the spread has been rapid in both countries, with a 50% increase in the rates of use of electronic medical records since 2009,” the survey stated.
Multifunctional IT use continues to progress more slowly in these two countries: Just 27% of U.S. doctors and 10% of Canadian practices reported having such capacities in their systems. Such use entails practices being able to manage patient registries, order diagnostic tests or prescriptions electronically, generate medication lists or other patient information, or send out alerts on drug interactions. Larger practices in the U.S. and at least four other countries were more likely to have multifunctional IT capacity than smaller practices.
Nearly 70% of U.S. doctors used electronic health records in 2012, compared with just 46% in 2009.
A properly integrated EHR helps improve quality, decrease costs and assist with coordination, said Jeffrey Cain, MD, president of the American Academy of Family Physicians. Investing in this technology, however, requires time and money, and that’s a challenging prospect for primary care doctors who “are increasingly in a hand-to-mouth situation,” Dr. Cain said.
The U.S. and Canada have taken nationwide steps to boost health IT use, according to the Commonwealth Fund’s findings. In the U.S., the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services has been awarding meaningful use bonuses to physicians who adopt EHRs under a provision of the 2009 federal stimulus package.
Although the study said electronic access to records by patients is growing, primary care doctors in the surveyed countries have not made as much progress on exchanging information electronically with physicians outside of their practices. Switzerland, New Zealand and the Netherlands were ahead of other nations: Half of their doctors have this capability, compared with 31% of U.S. primary care physicians.
Doctors increasingly are becoming frustrated over the need for integration across systems, Dr. Cain said. “It’s wonderful when you have this for your own office and you can have better care with your pharmacy, but if you can’t talk to your hospital across the street or with a colleague who’s a specialist down the road, then you haven’t fully benefited from having an electronic health record. We as a country need to be able to move toward that.”
The American Medical Association, in partnership with AmericanEHR Partners, founded by the American College of Physicians, is surveying its members on what they like and don’t like about the EHR systems and vendors they use.
Doctors in the 10 countries reported to the Commonwealth Fund on other challenges related to teamwork and communication. A minority of primary care physicians reported always receiving timely post-referral information from specialists, and fewer than half said they always knew about medication or care plan changes by other doctors.
Long waits to see specialists also was a concern, with U.S. doctors in particular reporting problems with obtaining timely, consistent reports about their patients from hospitals and specialists. They also were the most likely to struggle with insurance restrictions and patients not receiving needed care because of cost issues.
Family physicians spend on average of eight hours per week dealing with administrative rules for insurance companies, Dr. Cain said. “To be truly efficient, it’s important to have integrated communication and systems.”

Patient safety concerns on Capitol Hill

Some U.S. lawmakers want more assurances from the federal government that health IT investments aren’t increasing patient safety risks. In 2011, the Institute of Medicine issued a cautionary report concluding that poorly designed systems could endanger patients and adversely affect the quality of care.
The IOM had recommended that the Dept. of Health and Human Services develop a plan to minimize health IT-related patient safety risks. In a Nov. 14 letter to HHS Secretary Kathleen Sebelius, Rep. Renee Ellmers (R, N.C.), who chairs the House Small Business subcommittee on health care and technology, said she had yet to receive a copy of this plan, despite repeated requests going back to June.
“Meanwhile, we continue to see media reports of patient safety risks related to health IT,” Ellmers wrote in her newest letter to Sebelius. A spokesman for the HHS Office of the National Coordinator for Health Information Technology said the office expected to issue its plan in response to the IOM report soon.


Most countries see rise in primary care EHR use

Physicians in 10 countries surveyed by the Commonwealth Fund reported increasing use of electronic health records, with the U.S. showing the biggest leap over the past three years. Nearly seven in 10 U.S. primary care doctors said they were using EHRs in 2012, compared with fewer than half in 2009. Two countries with near-universal EHR use showed a slight drop.

New Zealand97%97%
United Kingdom96%97%
United States46%69%
*Switzerland was not included in the 2009 survey.
Source: “A Survey Of Primary Care Doctors In Ten Countries Shows Progress In Use Of Health Information Technology, Less In Other Areas,” Health Affairs, published online Nov. 15


Monday, October 29, 2012

TSI Healthcare: The meaning of “Meaningful Use”

TSI Healthcare Image Credit:

Health Information Technology (HIT) becomes a primordial soup of healthcare information when it is inoperable across systems. TSI Healthcare, one of the industry’s major implementers of this new industry, guarantees system-wide functioning. Its customers repeatedly draw federal funding, attesting to its effectiveness.

TSI’s customers who have rolled out the company’s ONC-ATCB Certified NextGen™ Electronic Health Records (EHR) Systems are currently being lauded for “Meaningful Use,” a term in the healthcare industry that denotes useful operational EHRs. Criteria and federal standards are hurdled prior to such a status, chief of which are inter-system accessibility and reliable records. EHR systems should broadly cater to patients and aid them in medical decisions, such as qualifications for Medicaid, preventive care for a range of conditions, and prompts for medication.

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As of September this year, TSI Healthcare could boast of a 92% success rate among their customers who have received Meaningful Use Incentives from the Federal government. The feather on their cap is accession into the Federal Government EHR Incentives program, which carries out reporting periods for handpicking qualifiers.

The HIT sector is mandated by a 2004 Executive Order from President George W. Bush to clean up the country’s health records and see the meting out of Medicaid to an optimal end. Physicians and hospitals across the United States are pressed to modernize patient data at their disposal, by employing the services of EHR providers and trainers such as TSI.

TSI Healthcare Image Credit:

TSI Healthcare is now represented as one of the most reliable suppliers of EHR programs, with its clients running a total of over $200,000 worth of federal incentives.

To know more about the company and its EHR system, visit

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

TSI Healthcare: Helping physicians transition from quantity to quality of care

TSI Healthcare Image Credit:

The movement from quantity-based model to quality-based model of care is a big lift for both healthcare providers and patients. TSI Healthcare, a leading provider of healthcare technologies, is moving full steam ahead to help medical practices transition toward a value-based, patient-focused model.


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The ailing healthcare system is believed to be the outcome of running a fee-for-service model, a physician mode of payment that’s largely dependent on the quantity rather than quality of care. Apparently, the fee-for-service model increases healthcare cost and dissuades efforts for efficient integrated care. The Physician Quality Reporting Initiative (PQRI) under the 2006 Tax Relief and Health Care Act has been established to address the disparity between the current system of paying for high volume of healthcare services and a system that’s value-based and patient-focused. With PQRI, physicians can earn federal incentives for implementing clinical quality report system as part of their workflow.

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TSI Healthcare backstops the federal move with an approach that combines regulatory guidance, specialty-specific technologies, and proactive support to ensure that practices are able to improve patient care and take advantage of the initiative. The company offers NextGen® Health Quality Measures Module, a highly efficient technology that speeds up report generation and reduces the burden of data collection. The support team of TSI also keeps in contact with client practices to ensure that they are able to meet the necessary thresholds for the incentives and avoid penalties.  

To learn how TSI Healthcare can benefit your practice, go to

Friday, August 31, 2012

TSI Healthcare: A healthcare portal has to have patients the way a clinic does

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With the successful implementation of online healthcare systems and databases, TSI Healthcare has not ceased to promote the merits of going electronic. While it has furnished up-and-running patient portals across several healthcare providers, information blast is the current challenge.

Getting patients to register in implemented portals could be as tricky as any publicity stunt. When misdirected, a portal could languish like a virtual white elephant, while outmoded healthcare systems continue to run and pile up costs. It is of primacy that patients be in the know of their online options, especially when traveling to the hospital is impossible under certain health conditions.

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Generating awareness takes more work than uploading healthcare presence. It also requires the cooperation of hospital systems. Information dissemination on the existence of a portal should be systematized in hospitals. TSI Healthcare suggests strategic points like waiting rooms, check-in areas, and physicians’ receiving areas for the distribution of publicity materials like brochures and flyers.

Word of mouth also has a key role in encouraging online enrollments. It is not enough to make a system known. People should know that it works, too, and that it is a secure, trusted method for taking advantage of one’s medical benefits.

TSI Healthcare Image Credit:

Established in 1997, TSI Healthcare is a private company that “helps physicians and computers work better together.” For more information on its healthcare portal, visit

Thursday, August 2, 2012

Patient portal: TSI Healthcare on the new front door to medical practices

A significant part of physician adoption of healthcare technologies is the utilization of a patient portal. TSI Healthcare’s NextGen Patient Portal is touted as the next big thing after its much celebrated EHR technology.

TSI Healthcare. Image credit:

NextGen Patient Portal is the best example of an IT solution that puts patients’ health above all else. At the core of this technology is the mission to turn patients into more educated health care consumers who are deeply involved in their medical experience. Patient portals allow ease of communication between patients and physicians all the while contributing to the improvement of patient-doctor relationship. The technology also allows access to important health information with just a click of a button. By logging in to a secure website, patients will have real time access to their health records and experience the convenience of not having to through the quagmire of traditional healthcare delivery models.

TSI Healthcare. Image credit:

TSI Healthcare’s NextGen Patient Portal is believed to be worth the investment given the array of benefits it delivers both to patients and medical practices. With this solution, practices can cut down on administrative cost considering that patients can schedule their appointment, read test results, refill prescriptions, pay their bills, and communicate with their providers through the portal. Aside from reducing cost, the technology also enhances clinical efficiency, thereby increasing the quality of care provided by medical practices.

TSI Healthcare. Image credit:

TSI Healthcare believes that a good software isn’t enough to prepare doctors for the many challenges ahead. To learn more about the provider’s cutting-edge products and services, visit

Monday, July 2, 2012

Coming of age: TSI Healthcare’s advanced approach

TSI Healthcare’s approach to finding technical solutions for its client speaks of the company’s foresight. There is a belief in the world of commerce that in less than a decade, people can go to work without having to leave their homes. This principle is based on the growing role of the Internet in day-to-day life. Social networking and e-commerce are just the beginning of the many things that one can accomplish online in place of person-to-person contact.

TSI Healthcare. Image credit:

Providing health care is a shared practice between the public and private sectors. The field, however, remains wanting in efficiency, speed, and adaptability. Rarely are there solutions made just for a company’s specific needs. TSI Healthcare offers services that may be customized for these specific needs, based on the original creation, storage, and retrieval process that software are built on.

TSI Healthcare. Image credit:

The company’s approach to service is likewise predicated on several principles of the digital age. Computers are meant to create logically arranged data for the purpose of doing business efficiently, and to reduce the paper trail commonly associated with service provision.

TSI Healthcare. Image credit:

The company begins by planning a customized program best suited for the clients’ needs, chief of which is a setting for efficient operations. In order to fully maximize the use of their products, training immediately follows. Initially, this involves basic instruction and workflow integration, which may be followed up with the TSI University program, a system of best practices sharing meant to keep key players involved and up to date on current trends.

The final steps include support and evaluation, which measures the success of the established program. Details of TSI Healthcare’s in-depth approach are available at

Sunday, June 10, 2012

TSI Healthcare: The most viable path to adoption success


TSI Healthcare is recognized as a leading provider of IT solutions for medical practices for several reasons. Apart from being recognized for its proactive approach to determining the needs of its clients and the effectiveness of its products, TSI is also known for its insistence to follow what it believes to be the most viable path to adoption success. The implementations strategies made by TSI to answer to the needs of its clients are made even more effective with its training and coaching programs which enable physicians and medical practice owners to maximize the return on their investments in IT.

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While other IT solutions providers are content with just providing their clients with generic how-to manuals and recorded videos, TSI Healthcare provides its clients with many avenues for training - turning them into experts at using the technology that has been made available to them. The first components of TSI’s training services are offered on its website and it offers education and training services to all the people involved in the practice’s workflow – from the providers to the staff. Following this initial staff training, TSI will then offer best practice tips and strategies that were pre-adjusted based on the initial feedback that it received.


Following the success of implementation, it is only to be expected that practices will grow and that their requirements will eventually change. Given this scenario of growth, TSI has also created the TSI University, a program designed exclusively for the ongoing educational benefit of its valued clients. Through the live courses offered in the program, medical practice teams can build on their best practices and improve on the effectiveness of their IT solutions.  

For more information about TSI Healthcare’s support programs, visit

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

TSI Healthcare & NextGen EMP/EHR solutions for improvement of healthcare delivery

Since 1997, TSI Healthcare  has been aiding physicians of all specialties in their aim to improve care, increase efficiency, and maximize profitability. Partnered with NextGen Healthcare as a Value Added Support Organization, the company provides healthcare providers with its award-winning NextGen EHR/EPM systems supported with innovative implementation strategies and superior support.

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Meanwhile, there are medical groups which have been in existence for decades and yet have failed to find an easy-to-use fully integrated, customized practice management and electronic health record system that fits their budget.
Photo Credit: TSI Healthcare

Fortunately, TSI provides practices with award-winning Electronic Health Record and Enterprise Practice Management systems which can be implemented as a combined integrated solution or as stand-alone applications.
Photo Credit: TSI Healthcare

This TSI Healthcare solution involves the simplification of patient visits and improving patient care through specialty-specific, knowledge-based templates, electronic documentation of patient data, coding at highest levels to assure maximum reimbursement, and the ability to order and review test and lab results with just a few simple clicks. It also allows for interoperability within hospitals, labs, and pharmacies.

The technology involved is easy to understand and use, which allows for instant boosts in productivity through the quick tracking of tasks and measured statistics of workflow and performance. TSI covers all bases and provides proactive support and specialized training in using the software involved, thus meeting all of the technical needs of any practice and achieving implementation success.

For more information about how TSI Healthcare empowers physicians and helps improve healthcare delivery across the country, visit:

Friday, April 20, 2012

Tampa Eye Clinic, Welcome to the TSI Healthcare Family!

Tampa Eye Clinic Partners with TSI Healthcare for Ophthalmology™, powered by NextGen™

TSI Healthcare proudly announced its partnership with Tampa Eye Clinic, one of the country’s leading eye care centers for LASIK, cataract surgery, and cosmetic treatment.  After thorough research on available Electronic Health Record (EHR) and Enterprise Practice Management (EPM) options, Tampa Eye Clinic selected TSI Healthcare to help them achieve true EHR adoption.  This partnership is the latest in a series of successful relationships TSI Healthcare has managed to secure in the past year.

Tampa Eye Clinic has chosen to deploy the fully integrated NextGen™ EPM and integrated EHR System at both locations for their 10 provider practice.  TSI Healthcare is a national leader in the sales, support and ongoing service of customized healthcare IT solutions from NextGen Healthcare™ with a strong focus in ophthalmology. Headquartered in North Carolina, TSI Healthcare works with physician offices throughout the country with a geographic emphasis on the Southeastern and Mid-Atlantic regions. 

“As an ophthalmic practice with the most recent technological advancements and some of the most experienced and well-trained surgeons in the country, we were looking for an EHR provider who could meet our standards and exceed our expectations,” said Aaron Bowman, practice administrator.  

“TSI Healthcare did just that with an ophthalmic-specific product which adapts to fit our workflow.  We were also very impressed with their single-database solution combining EPM and EHR as well as their hosting package which will greatly reduce our IT expenses.”

Scott Boyden, TSI Vice President of Sales & Marketing adds, ““We are thrilled to add Tampa Eye Clinic to the TSI Healthcare family.  Their reputation for excellence in ophthalmology is nationally known and we look forward to helping them achieve true adoption success.”

Thursday, April 12, 2012

TSI Healthcare Customers Receive Government Incentives for Meeting EHR Requirements

From PRNewsWire: TSI Healthcare announced today that nineteen (19) of their physician practices had attested to successfully meeting “Meaningful Use” requirements of their ONC-ATCB Certified NextGen™ Electronic Health Records (EHR) Systems. These providers completed data collection last year and participated in the 2011 Stage 1 reporting period for the Federal Government sponsored EHR Incentives program.  These Clients represent the first round of TSI Healthcare’s clients expected to participate in the program during the 2011 and 2012 reporting periods.

“The impossible has become a reality.  Even with all the encouragement that money is being paid by the Federal Government, we were skeptical. However, the check in the bank is proof that anything is possible,” wrote Dr. Vic Khemsara, an ophthalmologist at Summit Eye Care in Winston Salem, NC.  Khemsara continues, “…a special thank you goes out to TSI Healthcare’s team who literally held our hands throughout this process.”

Another recipient of the Government Funds includes Yuma District Hospital & Clinics in Yuma, Colorado.  Jason Hawley, Director of Information Services at Yuma Hospital, shared similar sentiments, “From the Help Desk staff to the President’s office, everyone at TSI Healthcare has played a role in helping us reach Meaningful Use.  We could not have achieved this without their support and dedication to our success.”

The practices completing attestation include a variety of specialties with wide ranges of experience.  Some of the TSI Healthcare qualifying practices have just recently completed implementations while others have over seven (7) years of NextGen™ EHR experience.  To date, TSI Healthcare Clients have secured over $100,000 in incentive payments and an additional $294,000 is expected to be paid to Clients over the coming weeks.

TSI Healthcare’s approach to “Meaningful Use” is unique to the EHR industry.  In addition to providing hands-on assistance unique to each practice, TSI Healthcare’s Providers are encouraged to take part in TSI Healthcare’s Meaningful Use Readiness Analysis™.  This custom program examines their NextGen™ system utilization, provides a practice-specific roadmap to attainment, and educates the practice on the various aspects of the EHR Incentives program.

“We could not be more thrilled for our Clients who have achieved Meaningful Use and who are already receiving the financial rewards of this program,” said David Dickson, Jr., President and CEO of TSI Healthcare.  “These benefits are a testament to the hard work and dedication of our entire team and our Clients’ commitment to a new way of practicing medicine and taking care of patients.”

Thursday, March 29, 2012

Meaningful Use Incentive Payments Realized!

Congratulations Summit Eye Care on your meeting your first year of Meaningful Use requirements. Thank you for allowing us to partner with you through this journey! TSI Healthcare appreciates your kind words and looks forward to continuing to improve patient care.

Monday, March 5, 2012

TSI Healthcare Employee Spotlight: Meet Mandy!

Mandy and her son.

TSI Healthcare’s Employee Spotlight is proud to introduce Mandy!

Mandy is our team leader for EHR support. This doesn't say enough about how big of an impact she has on the larger TSI Healthcare team. She joined the TSI Healthcare family in February, 2008. Working EHR support, Mandy is known as the queen of EHR. Whenever anyone on the EHR support team has a question, Mandy is the first person to call. Dedicated to platinum customer service, you can always hear her smiling over the phone! Always up for a good time, Mandy is invariably on the lookout for a good deal on concert tickets.

On a more personal note, here are some facts about Mandy:

What is your go-to Karaoke song?
“Escape (The Pina Colada Song) by Rupert Holmes, Summer Nights from Grease”

Spoiler Alert: Mandy has her own Karaoke Machine and a professionally made case of CDs with an artist/song list book!

What is your favorite show?
“Modern Family and The Middle”

One thing you can’t live without?
“Love, laughter, and music—I know that’s 3.”

Mandy ex-Carolina Panthers Player (Mandy's favorite football team)

Monday, February 27, 2012

ICD-10: Back to the Basics

This year, I’d venture to say most providers had a happy Valentine’s Day for one reason or another. On February 14, Health and Human Services Secretary Kathleen Sebelius announced the plan to delay the projected ICD-10 compliance date of October 2013. Providers across the US released a sigh of relief! Sebelius stood by the claim that ICD-10 will improve patient care and enable health care data exchange with the rest of the world—who has already been using ICD-10 for some time.

So what is ICD-10?  
  • International Classification of Diseases, 10th Edition diagnosis and procedure codes
  • ICD-10 completed in 1992
  • More than 155,000 codes
  • About 25 countries currently use ICD-10
  • The length of codes in ICD-10 being a maximum of 7 characters, as opposed to 5 digits in ICD-9

Why transition to ICD-10?
ICD-10 contains increased specificity which will lead to:
  • More accurate and timely reimbursements once the system is fully implemented
  • Increased measurability of quality, safety, and efficacy of care
  • Setting informed health policy
  • Monitoring resource utilization
  • Improving disease and care management

What do we need to know about ICD-10?
Although eventually we will need to know basically everything about ICD-10, the following is a high-level look at the new coding system:
  • Contains over 155,000 codes
  • Maximum code length increased to 7 characters with dummy place holders to allow room for expansion
  • Requires crosswalk mapping between ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes and vice versa because the systems are not related in a one-to-one relationship. CMS has released General Equivalence Mappings and Reimbursement Maps to help with this process.
  • Departments will need to run both ICD-9 and ICD-10 codes concurrently during transition period until all claims are resolved
  • All systems will be affected!

Although the implementation date has been delayed, the eventual transition to ICD-10 is inevitable. In addition, other government regulations will be continuing to grow more rigorous—stage 2 of EHR Meaningful Use is already out! To reduce the loss of productivity, begin working on the transition now. Start with assessing the areas in your practice which will be affected by the change. 

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Does Social Media Have a Place in Healthcare?

Chris Foster, principal at Booz Allen Hamilton consulting firm, recently provided insight about how social media is changing the traditional doctor/patient relationship. His three ways include: patient empowerment, real-time information and instantaneous feedback, and improved doctor/patient relationships1. As TSI Healthcare also explores the benefits of social media, let’s explore how social media empowers patients and providers and real-time information with instantaneous feedback improves doctor/patient relationship.

Patients are entering their doctors’ offices armed with more information and ready to advocate for their health needs. This information is coming from health forums like WebMD, twitter, peer discussions, and the use of powerful search engines. Websites similar to the college staple allow patients to essentially “ratemydoc” and compare experiences and options available to them. The massive amount of information allows patients to possess more control over their healthcare experience.

Real-time information with immediate feedback particularly panders to the millennial generation who tends to seek constant connection. Other generations can also take advantage of this increased communication. Elders struggling with chronic diseases can post daily self-test measures to be monitored by a physician or nurse with feedback for that day. Patient portals are particularly useful for physician offices attempting to increase their doctor/patient relationship. For example, TSI Healthcare’s Patient Portal allows patients to “ask a nurse” or “ask a billing specialist” when questions arise about prescription doses or paying their bills. In addition, millennials can take advantage of online scheduling and prescription refill requests.

The road has already been forged for you to use social media to benefit your practice. Create a free Facebook or Twitter page to keep patients up to date on events, recalls, and other important information. Or check out TSI Healthcare's twitter and facebook pages to get an idea of what you can do with such pages. If you want to take it further, use a patient portal to increase communication between the doctor and their patient creating both an empowered patient and the option for real-time information and feedback.

End Notes
1.       1. Foster, Chris. "3 ways social media is transforming the doctor-patient relationship." Government Health IT. MedTech Media, 2012. Web. 19 Jan 2012. <>.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Tips for a Successful Meaningful Use Attestation 

YUMA District Hospital and Clinic has successfully attested for Meaningful Use; Congratulations YUMA! To share a different perspective, TSI Healthcare asked Jason at YUMA for some tips for MU success. We also asked Jason his thoughts about having TSI Healthcare as a partner in MU. Here is what he said:

Tips for other clients:
1.       Make sure that you have the full support of your Executive Leadership. From an Administrator to CEO/CFO/VP’s etc.

2.       Meaningful Use means change. Change in workflow and thought processes. Change is hard. Be compassionate to those that cannot handle change. Embrace and utilize those that thrive on it.

3.       Elect a physician champion. Usually someone that embraces change and will be the driving force to encourage other physicians. Usually the younger physicians find they cannot live without technology. Use them…

4.       Meet often. Create a Meaningful Use Task Force or Committee. Meet weekly to review current report levels and identify areas of improvement. Make the meetings brief and assign action items for members to follow up on.

5.       Give the committee structure. Elect a project manager and make sure to have someone take notes. Make sure each person realizes their role.

6.       Celebrate accomplishments. Go out to lunch or throw a party. This process is grueling, frustrating at times, but rewarding when you are helping transition health care into what it needs to be.

7.       Most of all, keep your family close. This process can take you away from those you love. When that happens, celebrate with them also…

TSI Healthcare as a partner:
                "TSI Healthcare has been a HUGE asset and leader in Health Care Reform for Yuma. Through numerous meetings, trainings, support sessions, webinars, phone calls, upgrades and implementations, etc. TSI has been there every step of the way. They have been the constant in this process. From day one, I felt reassured that everyone had our back. If we ever had a question, they were there. If we ever had an issue, they were there. Reliable is a good word to describe everyone at TSI. With reliability comes respect. With respect comes integrity. TSI embodies all of these. From the Front Desk to the President’s office, everyone at TSI has played a role in us reaching Meaningful Use. We could not of achieved this without their support and dedication to our success. Special thanks to Christian, Amanda, Jeff, Natalie, Jason, Donnie, David for all your support and everything you have done for Yuma District Hospital and Clinics. Here’s to many more years of valued support…"

Thank you for the tips and encouraging words YUMA! Congrats and keep up the good work!

Friday, February 10, 2012

How to Increase Patient Portal Registration

After touting the merits of patient portal, it’s only fair to share some tips about how to increase registration and utilization of your patient portal. TSI Healthcare has noted portals take a few months to really get up and running as patients need time to make an office visit and then register online. Patient portal is worth the investment as it better links providers with their patients. We’ve gathered tips and tricks from our clients who’ve already successfully introduced NextGen Patient Portal to their patients!

Here are some of TSI Healthcare’s tips to increase utilization:

1. Place brochures at check-in, check-out, and in the waiting room advertising the perks of patient portal—such as a faster way to get lab results or refill prescriptions!

2. Use appointment reminder cards with information about patient portal and, if applicable, the online scheduling feature.

3. When patients call in to refill an Rx, remind them of their ability to refill their Rx at their own convenience online.

4. Place a computer in the waiting room so patients can use their wait time to register with the support of office staff or even complete new patient paperwork.

Here are some of TSI Healthcare’s tips on how to leverage patient portal to benefit your practice:

1.    Email patients applicable awareness information. For example, use your patient portal to email all female patients over 40 years some Breast Cancer awareness information or a reminder to make a mammogram appointment during February, Breast Cancer Awareness Month. This website features a comprehensive list of health observances:

2. Encourage patients with chronic diseases to track important self-test measures such as glucose levels to be routinely monitored by a health professional in between office visits.

3. Email patients pertinent practice information like closings and holiday hours.

The key to utilizing patient portal is getting your patients online and interacting with their portal. Having an office staff—including physicians and nurses—talking about the key features of your patient portal will help increase your patients’ interest in their patient portal.  TSI Healthcare is dedicated to your adoption success! 

Monday, February 6, 2012

A Look at Patient Portal Demand

Over the past year TSI Healthcare has seen increased interest from practices for information about how to transition their practice into the 21st century. With online banking, shopping, and restaurant reservations available these days, physician practices want and need to catch up! Here’s some information on Patient Portals and be sure to check out TSI Healthcare’s Patient Portal offering.

Patient Portal is an online tool allowing patients to access their health information and communicate with their provider, ultimately creating a more educated health consumer. Typically, a patient portal is an add-on to your current EHR system, but some wonder if it is worth the investment. 

Studies demonstrate patients’ desire to utilize a patient portal. Recently, 72% of consumers polled reported that they would use patient portal or another tool to assist them in paying bills and communicating with providers. It’s not just young adults seeking these services either: 67% of the baby boomer generation (born 1946-1964) and 75% of Generation X (born 1965-1976) shared this sentiment

Practices utilizing patient portal should continue to promote its benefits and encourage patients to login to patient portal. Studies demonstrate that phone volume into the office decreases and the calls that do come into the office are completed quicker, consequently cutting down administrative costs

As patients become educated healthcare consumers, practices without a patient portal could begin to see a decline in their patient load. A recent study identified that 59% of Generation Y respondents (born mid-1970-2000) would switch doctors for one with better online access

TSI Healthcare recognizes the impact of patient portals by offering its clients NextGen’s Patient Portal. Patient Portal clearly increases the quality of care by engaging both patients and providers.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

TSI Healthcare Employee Spotlight--Meet Shawn our Systems Engineer!

As the New Year begins—and our new blog—we’d like to start a tradition of introducing our TSI Healthcare Family to you through a monthly Spotlight series.  We love our clients, but not everyone has the privilege of putting a face to a name and voice. With our team member Spotlight series, we are bringing our team to you.

So let us introduce you to Shawn D! Shawn joined the TSI Healthcare family in March 2011. In less than a year, Shawn has already become a frequent client request for hardware support calls. Some are even lucky enough to see him face-to-face when he conducts on-site hardware surveys. In the office, we have the special privilege of seeing him daily, or at least waving to him while he is glued to his phone committed to his client support calls. Shawn has become our “go-to guy” for any computer issue within the TSI Healthcare office too! When I asked another colleague how they would describe Shawn, she replied, “Service with a smile. He rarely says no.”

On a more personal note, here are some questions you may have about Shawn but refrain from asking:

What is one thing you can’t live without?
                 “My X-box 360.”

You wouldn’t be caught dead, where?
                 “At a Carolina [UNC Chapel Hill] game, unless they are playing NC State. Go Pack!”

Do you have any hidden talents?
                 “I can eat with chopsticks.”

Meet the many faces of Shawn:
NC State Fair Shawn

Working Shawn

Friday, January 27, 2012

Meaningful Use: Paths to Payment

Considering the amount of press it’s received, I’m surprised #CMSMeaningfulUse isn’t trending on Twitter yet. TSI Healthcare’s team of Meaningful Use experts has been hard at work preparing our clients for the EHR incentives program. We’ve put together this quick overview to guide you through the complicated regulations:

 2012 is the last year in which eligible professionals (EPs) can attest a 90 day reporting period to potentially receive full incentive payments. However, there are some differences between Medicare and Medicaid incentives. The Meaningful Use standards are the same, however the payment plan and schedule differs.

If a Medicare EP begins reporting in 2012, they can receive a total of $44,000 over the next five years. Beginning in 2015, CMS will decrease reimbursements of EPs who do not meet Meaningful Use standards.

For our visual friends, see the following chart on Medicare payment:

If a Medicaid EP begins reporting in 2012, they can receive a total of $63,750 over a period of 6 years of their choosing with 2016 as the last year to initiate the program. As of now, CMS does not predict they will penalize EPs who do not meet Meaningful Use standards in the future.

Medicare EPs are paid their first incentive payment after an initial 90 day reporting period. If this occurs in 2012, practices will receive $18,000 per EP. However, Medicaid EPs receive their first incentive payment before their attestation period begins and receive $21,250. Thus far in the practices I’ve worked with, initial Medicaid payments have taken 8 weeks from registration to receipt of payment.

Within the first year, attestation is any continuous 90 day period. So get started and register for the incentive program, especially if you’re a Medicaid EP. NextGen users: Be sure to run MU Crystal Reports early to identify areas of improvement before it is too late to increase your low percentages.

TSI Healthcare is dedicating time and support to assist with Meaningful Use attestation. We’ve begun working with our clients through TSI Healthcare hosted webinars, knowledgeable staff, and further education materials, we walk our clients through the incentive program process being sure to achieve Meaningful Use success!

If you are a TSI Healthcare client, give us a call! Our team of experts is ready to help you hit the ground running.  We’ve been reaching out to clients over the past year, and those that are eager to dive in head first can take advantage of our “TSI Healthcare Meaningful Use Analysis” to streamline your path to payment.

For some TSI Healthcare Meaningful Use Resources:

Register for CMS Meaningful Use Incentive Program here:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

TSI Healthcare on Blogspot

At TSI Healthcare, we are dedicated to the complete and measurable success of each physician we serve.

Software alone is not a solution. Your success can only be realized with expert, personal guidance. We help our clients surpass their own expectations by combining powerful software with a customized implementation plan, thorough and continuous training, and proactive support. Assisting you is our TSI Healthcare team of clinicians, former practice administrators, EHR and Practice Management experts, and MicrosoftTM and CiscoTM certified systems engineers providing diverse knowledge and perspectives to achieve optimum results from your technology.

In an effort to continue helping physicians and computers work together, we are officially entering the blogosphere! Educating our family of practices is a central aspect of TSI Healthcare’s approach to adoption success. Using this new blog, our goal is to engage practices, physicians, office staff, partner organizations, and anyone who’s interested in a conversation about new Healthcare IT topics, tips, tricks, and thoughts in the industry. We’ll be combining topics suggested by TSI Healthcare experts, the media, and our clients. Join the conversation!

Feel free to comment and share posts. In addition to BlogSpot, you can engage in the conversation on twitter @tsihealthcare and facebook ( See our website for more information: