Meet Marcellus!
Marcellus, an EHR Support Specialist at TSI Healthcare, consistently makes the transition to a new EHR as smooth as possible for our customers. He truly cares about how the customer feels and puts forward a real sense of urgency to solve any problems. His coworkers commend his positive and upbeat attitude, making him a pleasure to work with. Get to know Marcellus better…
His Hometown?
"Vero Beach, Florida"
His Favorite Sports Team?
"The Baltimore Ravens"
Last Thing He Ate?
"Wasabi Peas"
He's happiest when...?
"He's being creative - blogging, video editing, recording, etc."
Why Marcellus <3‘s TSI Healthcare:
“The atmostphere is so positive! Even when faced with challenges, the members of this team strive to learn and grow through every adversity.”